International DAAD Alumni Seminar 2020 in the framework of IFAT 2020
If you are German university alumni from developing countries (DAC country nationals) with a proven background in water resources management, water use efficiency, water reuse, water and waste water treatment, waste removal and recycling, sanitation, water distribution systems, measurement and control mechanisms for water quality and pollution, soil remediation, environmental engineering, environment technology, and related fields of work.
APPLY NOW for the DAAD Alumni Special Project (training seminar and trade fair visit) in the framework of IFAT 2020 – The World’s Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management
The training seminars (phase 1) will take place from 26 April – 3 May 2020. They are organized by three different German universities, each of which has its own focus for the seminar: University of Duisburg-Essen, University of Siegen and University of Applied Sciences Trier.
The seminars are followed by the visit of IFAT 2020 in Munich, Germany, from 4 – 9 May 2020 (phase 2), organized by the DAAD.
The calls for application are out now!
Single application deadline: 15 January 2020
Please address your application directly to the contact named in the announcements which are available on the website:
or download the seminar description from each universities
IFAT 2020 - University of Applied Sciences Trier
IFAT 2020 - University of Duisburg-Essen
IFAT 2020 - University of Siegen