
DAAD Scholarships for Indonesia

International students sitting at the table with laptops at a seminar at the university.
© GettyImages/Tom Werner
DAAD offers scholarships for graduates, scientists, and Higher Education Institutions in various fields of study and research.

Here you find an overview of the DAAD scholarships only whereas the Scholarship database also lists funding offered by other selected organisations. The DAAD scholarships you can currently apply for are listed separately. Please note that there are no full scholarships for undergraduate studies which can be applied for individually. For scholarships for Master study programmes, at least two years of professional experience is required.

Name of scholarship programme Target Group Short description Benefits Duration Application period Information
Study Visits for Groups of Foreign Students University teachers from a foreign university Study trips for groups of min. 10 to max. 15 students accompanied by one university teacher Lump sum of 50 Euro per person/day

Mobility lump sum

7 – 12 days Approx. deadline:

February (for trips to begin after June)

May (for trips to begin after September)

November (for trips to begin after March)

Official Announcement
Study Seminars and Practical for Group of Foreign Students German university teacher Study seminars and practical for min. 10 to max. 15 students accompanied by one university teacher Lump sum of 50 Euro per person/day 7 – 12 days Approx. deadline:

February (for trips to begin after June)

May (for trips to begin after September)

November (for trips to begin after March)

Official Announcement
(in German)
University Summer Courses offered in Germany for Foreign Students and Graduates Students in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in any subject area with an intermediate level of German. Bachelor students must have completed at least two academic years at the start of the scholarship period Attendance of language and area studies courses as well as special language / terminology courses: List of all courses Scholarship paid directly by the course organizers on the first day of the course Up to one month Open Currently Close

Name of scholarship programme Target group Short description Benefits Duration Application period Information
University Summer Courses offered in Germany for Foreign Students and Graduates Students in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in any subject area with an intermediate level of German. Bachelor students must have completed at least two academic years at the start of the scholarship period Attendance of language and area studies courses as well as special language / terminology courses: List of all courses Scholarship paid directly by the course organizers on the first day of the course Up to one month Open Currently Close
Study scholarships for STEM disciplines The scholarship programme is aimed at high-achieving students from developing and emerging countries who would like to complete a Master’s degree in the STEM subjects at a German university.
You can apply if you have completed your studies with a first degree recognised in Germany (e.g. Bachelor’s degree) by the application deadline at the latest.
If you already have a Master’s degree, you cannot apply.
This scholarship helps young academics and future professionals from developing and emerging countries. It offers a chance to earn a Master’s degree in Germany in STEM fields like mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, and engineering, boosting their qualifications and job prospects. Monthly scholarship rate


Travel expenses

Language course

10-24 Months Deadline: 21.10.2024 Official Announcement
Study Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in the Field of Arts (Architecture, Music, Visual and Performing Arts) Foreign applicants from the areas of Architecture, Music, Performing Arts as well as Fine Art, Design/Visual Communication and Film A postgraduate degree leading to a final qualification, or further training that does not lead to a final qualification Monthly scholarship rate


Travel expenses

1 – 2 years Approx. June – October Official announcements:
Fine Art, Design /Visual Communication and Film
Performing Arts
Research Grants – Doctoral Programme in Germany Young academics and scientists who have completed a Master’s degree or Diplom, or in exceptional cases a Bachelor’s degree at the latest by the time they begin their grant-supported research Funding for doctoral programmes at a university or a non-university research institute in Germany Monthly scholarship rate


Travel expenses

Language course

3 to max. 4 years Approx. June – October Official Announcement
Research Grants – Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees Doctoral candidates and young academics and scientists who have completed a Master’s degree or Diplom, or in exceptional cases a Bachelor’s degree at the latest by the time they begin their grant-supported research Research phases at a university or a non-university research institute in Germany as part of a doctoral programme in the home country (with supervision both in German and in the home country) Monthly scholarship rate


Travel expenses

Language course

1-2 years Approx. June – October Official Announcement
Research Grants in Germany You are currently working on your PhD at a university or research institution outside Germany or have completed your PhD within the last 4 years. The research grant offers the opportunity to realise a research project in Germany. The programme sup-ports research stays during a doctorate or in the early postdoc phase. Monthly scholarship rate


Travel expenses

Language course

  • Doctoral students: 2 to 12 months
  • Postdocs: 2 to 6 months
Deadline: 07.10.2024 Official Announcement
Scholarship for Development-Related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS) Graduates with at least two years’ professional experience Individual scholarships exclusively for Postgraduate courses in Germany that are listed on the List of all Postgraduate courses with application deadlines .

Monthly scholarship rate


Travel expenses

1 – 3 years The application period starts 1,5 months before the deadline, please refer to the list Official Announcement
Application to be sent directly to the universityHow to fill the DAAD application form
Helmut-Schmidt-Programme – Master’s Scholarships for Public Policy and Good Governance (PPGG) Graduates in the field of social sciences, political sciences, law and economics Scholarships are awarded for selected Master courses listed. Monthly scholarship rate


Travel expenses

1 – 2 years The application period at all 8 universities lasts from June 1st to July 31st every year. Official Announcement
Application to be sent directly to the university
Application Form
Programme description
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)How to fill the DAAD application form
Aceh Scholarships of Excellence (administered by DAAD) Young and qualified Acehnese from all discipline Funding for Master and Doctoral degree Monthly scholarship rate


Travel allowance

  • Language course
2 years (for Master degree)

3,5 years (for PhD)

Determined by the government of Aceh Province
Official website of the government of Aceh Province
Official Announcement
DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships in the fields of Space, Aeronautics, Energy and Transportation Research Foreign doctoral and postdoctoral students as well as senior scientists from the fields of Aeronautics, Space, Transportation, and Energy Programme implemented by the ‘German Aerospace Center’ (DLR) and the ‘German Academic Exchange Service’ (DAAD). DLR is Germany´s national research center for aeronautics and space Monthly installment

Flat-rate travel allowance

Health insurance

Family allowances

Type A
Doctoral Student (36 months)Type B
Postdoctoral Students (6–24 months)Type C
Senior Scientist (1–3 months)
Varies Official Announcement
Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Music Foreign applicants who have gained a first university degree in the field of Music at the latest by the time they commence their scholarship-supported study programme; if this is not possible, they should have at least exhausted all the training options available for their instrument in their country of origin Monthly scholarship rate

Travel allowance

One-off study allowance

Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover

maximum of 24 months Approx. June – October Official Announcement
Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Fields of Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication and Film Foreign applicants who have gained a first university degree in the fields of Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication and Film at the latest by the time they commence their scholarship-supported study programme. Monthly scholarship rate

Travel allowance

One-off study allowance

Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover

maximum of 24 months Approx. June – November Official Announcement
In-Country/In-Region Scholarship
Programme South East Asia – at Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study
and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)
  • Have a bachelor degree (Master candidates) or a Master degree (Doctoral candidates) with above average results
  • English Proficiency (IELTS 6.0 or above)
  • The last university degree should not have been obtained more than 6 years ago at the time of application. Etc.
The scholarships at SEARCA are available in the following fields:
• UPLB: Master – Food Science (Nutritional, Domestic and Food Sciences)
• UPLB: PhD – Food Science (Nutritional, Domestic and Food Sciences
• UPM: Master – Food Science/Food Science and Technology (Nutritional, Domestic and Food Sciences)
• UPM: PhD – Food Science/Food Science and Technology (Nutritional, Do-mestic and Food Sciences)
• UGM: Master – Food Science/Food Science and Technology (Nutritional, Domestic and Food Sciences)
  • Tuition fee
  • Monthly Allowance
  • Study and research allowance
  • Printing allowance
  • Travel allowance (In-Region scholarship only)
The application process contains two steps.

Please be aware of the two
application deadlines, see Call for Application

Call for Application
Call for Master and PhD Scholarship Applications 2024
at the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)
  • Have a bachelor degree (Master candidates) or a Master degree (Doctoral candidates) with above average results
  • English Proficiency (IELTS 6.0 or above)
  • The last university degree should not have been obtained more than 6 years ago at the time of application. Etc.
The scholarships at SEARCA are available in the following fields:
• UPLB: Environmental Science (ENS)
• KU: Sustainable Land Use and Natural Resource Management (SLUSE)
• IPB: Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRES)
• UPM: Environmental Biotechnology/Environmental Engineering/Envi-ronmental System and Modeling
• UGM: Planning and Management of Coastal Area and Watershed (MPPDAS)/Geography
  • Monthly Allowance
  • Study and research allowance
  • Printing allowance
  • Travel allowance (In-Region scholarship only)
The application process contains two steps.

Please be aware of the two
application deadlines, see Call for Application

Call for Application
Call for Master Scholarship Applications 2024
at the Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
  • Have a bachelor degree (Master candidates) or a Master degree (Doctoral candidates) with above average results
  • English Proficiency (IELTS 6.0 or above)
  • The last university degree should not have been obtained more than 6 years ago at the time of application. Etc.
The scholarships at UGM are available in the following fields:
– Master Program in Geological Engineering
  • Monthly Allowance
  • Study and research allowance
  • Printing allowance
  • Travel allowance (In-Region scholarship only)
The application process contains two steps.

Please be aware of the two
application deadlines, see Call for Application

Call for Application
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) GDS/NRM
  • Have a bachelor degree (Master candidates) or a Master degree (Doctoral candidates) with above average results
  • English Proficiency (IELTS 6.0 or above)
  • The last university degree should not have been obtained more than 6 years ago at the time of application. Etc.
  • Monthly Allowance
  • Study and research allowance
  • Printing allowance
  • Travel allowance (In-Region scholarship only)
The application process contains two steps.

Please be aware of the two
application deadlines, see Call for Application

Call for Application

Name of scholarship programme Target group Short description Benefits Duration Application period Information
Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists University teachers and established academics who have usually completed a doctoral degree and work at a university or research institute in their home country Research stays at a university or non-university research institute in Germany
  • Monthly scholarship rate
  • Travel expenses
  • Insurance
1 – 3
See official announcement Official Announcement
Study Visits for Academics – Artists and Architects University teachers from the following disciplines:


Fine Art, Film, Design/Visual Communication

Performing Arts


Study visits at a university in Germany for artistic cooperation with the host institution
  • Monthly scholarship rate
  • Travel expenses
  • Insurance
1 – 3 months See official announcement. Official Announcement
Leibniz-DAAD Research Fellowship Programme Recent international postdocs who have completed their studies with a PhD or equivalent qualification no more than two years ago Support the further internationalization of German science and research institutions Research allowance of 460 euros per annum

Two-months German language course

 1 year Approx. Jan-March Official Announcement
DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships in the fields of Space, Aeronautics, Energy and Transportation Research Foreign doctoral and postdoctoral students as well as senior scientists from the fields of Aeronautics, Space, Transportation, and Energy Programme implemented by the ‘German Aerospace Center’ (DLR) and the ‘German Academic Exchange Service’ (DAAD). DLR is Germany´s national research center for aeronautics and space Monthly installment

Flat-rate travel allowance

Health insurance

Family allowances

Type A: Doctoral Student (36 months)
TypeB: Postdoctoral Students (6 – 24 months)Type C :Senior Scientist (1 – 3 months)
Varies Official Announcement
Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (P.R.I.M.E.) Postdoctoral researchers of all nationalities Support the international mobility of postdoctoral researchers by temporary positions at German universities in place of conventional scholarships Regular salary

Additional expatriate allowance for the 12 months research stay abroad

Travel allowance for family

18 months, of which the first 12 months have to be spent abroad and the remaining 6 months in Germany (reintegration phase) Approx. Jan–May Official Announcement

Name of scholarship programme Target Group Short description Benefits Duration Application period Information
International Summer School German universities that offer International Summer Schools of high quality This programme aims to strengthen the position of some German universities in the international education market All costs spent on planning, preparing, promoting, running and evaluating the International Summer School are eligible for funding 1-4 weeks Appr. June-Sept Official Announcement
(in German)
Studienangebote deutscher Hochschulen im Ausland (TNB) German higher education institutions which plan to offer transnational education programmes abroad Funding for the development of German study programmes which award a degree recognized by Germany and the partner countries Mobility of project staff and lecturers, costs spent on planning, promoting, publication etc. 4 years Approx. June-August Official Announcement
(in German)
Transnationale Bildung – Stärkung und Exzellenz durch Profilbildung (TNB-STEP) German higher education institutions in profiling and extending their transnational education project A supplementary programme for “Transnational Education – Study programmes of German higher education institutions abroad“ Mobility of university lecturers, staff, other  spending related to the project implementation such as promotion/publication, rent, etc 4 years June-August Official Announcement
(in German)
Integrated International Degree Programmes with Double Degree State-accredited public and private German universities, their respective departments or institutes that offer courses of study alternately at German and foreign universities and conclude with the conferral of two national degrees (either a joint degree or double degree, conferred by both partner universities) Funding can be provided for planning and developing double degree programmes in all disciplines for university partnerships with all countries (exception with France) The programme’s main funding goal is to promote the internationalization activities of German universities and the academic mobility of German students 4 years Approx. June- October Official Announcement
(in German)
International Study & Training Partnership (ISAP) German universities which intend to establish or continue international academic and training partnerships between individual departments/faculties and foreign universities The programme funds groups of highly qualified German and international students who wish to complete part of their degree programme at the partner university and receive full recognition of their academic achievement abroad This programme provides scholarships to students who wish to complete a one or two-semester study visit abroad as part of a university cooperative agreement. Funding for personnel and domestic resources (language courses) First-time applications: two academic years (with possibility of two years extension)

Upon completion, projects are eligible to receive an additional four years of follow-up funding as long as funding has not been revoked or interrupted.

Approx. June-October Official Announcement
(in German)
Higher Education Dialogue with the Islamic World German universities which intend to strengthen academic and cultural ties with universities in Islamic countries The programme furthers the cultural dialogue with the Muslim world by encouraging academic cooperation Project funding will focus on supporting personnel exchanges and the formation of networks between partner institutions. In addition, a limited amount of funding is available for equipment and staff to carry out the exchange measures Max. 2 years Approx. June-September Official Announcement
Emeriti Programme/Johann Gottfried Herder Programme The Johann Gottfried Herder Programme sponsors retired German university professors from alldisciplines at foreign universities worldwide Herder lecturers provide an important stimulus for networking between their host university and universities in Germany. They can inform and consult on the German academic system, and support the host university in teaching and research. Monthly living cost allowance

Travel allowance


Lumpsum for material costs.

Expected contribution of the host university  local salary or free acommodation

Max. 4 semesters (first application and 3 extensions) Procedure a) The applicant applies for a DAAD project abroad carried out by or in cooperation with German universities. The available positions are advertised twice a year on the DAAD website.

Procedure b)
The applicant has already contacts with a foreign host university and an invitation from this institution.

Official Announcement
Promos Programme Applications can be submitted by every state-recognized German higher education institution via their International Office or another administrative office This programme, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), aims at enabling more German students to study abroad by granting them up to six-months scholarships Partial scholarships

Travel expenses

Study Fees

Living Expenses

Max. 6 months Approx. application deadline: August Official Announcement
(in German)
Visiting Professorship Programme (Gastdozentenprogramm) All state and state-recognised German higher
education institutions represented by higher education lecturers
The programme serves the
internationalization of German higher education institutions and the strengthening of the international dimension of teaching
Mobility allowance, material and personnel costs related to the implementation of the projects Modell A: 1 semester,

Modell B: 2 years

Around January Official Announcement 
Advisory & Consultancy Programme (for Germans to go to Indonesia) German scientists (postdoctoral researchers, higher education lecturers, emeriti) and managers of higher education institutions are eligible to apply for a counsellor project The focus lays on the optimization of international teaching, research, and development cooperation DAAD allocates funding for the expenditures of German counsellors:

travel costs


expenses for small equipment and material that remains in the target countries (one-time allocation during a two-year period)

2 weeks – 3 months

A maximum of four assignments are possible within a period of two calendar years

Please refer to the official announcement Official Announcement
Alumni-Programm zur Fortbildung und Bindung internationaler Alumni aus Entwicklungsländern German higher education institutions (International Offices or other offices assigned for that purpose by the management, individual departments) or a consortium of higher education institutions The long-term goal of the programme is to get alumni involved in the solution of global problems. At the same time the programme aims at  strengthening the cooperation of German higher education institutions and companies with partner countries Alumni training courses (seminars) in  the home country or abroad Please refer to the official announcement approx. April-June Official Announcement
(In German)
Short- and Long-Term Visiting Lecturerships (of German lecturers or professors) Short-Term Visiting Lecturer:
The application is submitted as an unsolicited application by the invited professor/lecturer.Long Term Visiting Lecturer:
Lecturers/Professors should have a EU citizenship and possess the required professional qualifications stated in the job description. They should also have the formal qualification for lecturing at a German university as well as relevant teaching experience
A short-term lectureship is usually a stay of at least four and at most six months at a state-recognized foreign higher education institution

A long-term lectureship at a foreign higher education institution should usually last at least one year

Short-term Visiting Lecturer:
– Travel expenses
– Lump sum for accommodation and meals for the period of the stay abroadLong Term Visiting Lecturer:
The lecturer usually gets the same payment as local staff. An additional compensatory allowance is paid by DAAD. Moreover, it is possible to receive other subsidies:
– relocation costs
– education allowance
– retirement provision
– provision for dependents
– reimbursement regarding public health service
– subsidies in case of illness
– travel allowance for home leave; participation in international academic congresses (only for lecturers outside of Europe)
Visiting Lecturer:
4 weeks – 6 monthsLong Term Visiting Lecturer:
max. 5 years
Please refer to the official announcement Official Announcement
SDG Partnerships All state and state-recognised German higher education institutions The overall long-term programme objectives are to contribute to sustainable development according to the 2030 Agenda, to the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and to establishing high-performing internationally networked higher education institutions in the partner countries. Funding is available for establishing partnerships between German higher education institutions and higher education institutions in developing and emerging countries (DEC). The programme focusses on planning, developing and realising higher education partnerships that give rise to a sustainable promotion of structures at partner institutions in DEC in teaching as well as research, and in the areas of higher education and research management Max.4 years
Funding line 1: open for all diciplines , Funding Line II (Medicine and Biodiversity)
Around June-Sept. Official Announcement
Fact Finding Missions (of German academic experts to explore possibilities of cooperation) German institutions of higher education German expert delegates can travel into potential partner countries with the financial support or the DAAD in order to sound out opportunities for higher education cooperation Funding will be provided as deficit financing (please refer to the official announcement) Max. 14 or 21 days (trips to several neighbouring countries) Please refer to the official announcement Official Announcement
University-Business-Partnerships Programme (Praxispartnership) German higher education institutions The programme is intended to support the practical course of studies and the business-oriented profile of higher education institutions in developing countries Travel and short stays, research and teaching, implementation and participation in events, conferences and trade fairs, specialist excursions, measures to develop digital teaching and learning materials Max. 4 years Around: Feb.-March Official Announcement
(in German)
Strategische Partnerschaften und Thematische Netzwerke German universities Programme line A – Strategic partnerships: Program line A supports partnerships which include one or more subject areas and/or comprise different levels or scopes of cooperation

Programme line B – encourages network-building between German and selected foreign universities on a subject-related or thematic level

This programme can award a total of 250,000 euros per project per year to finance measures which build strategic partnerships and thematic networks Max. 4 years Official Announcement
RISE Worldwide German undergraduate students with good grades and recommendations from the fields of earth sciences, engineering, natural sciences, medicine, and related disciplines The RISE Worldwide programme offers research internships for German Bachelor students in the fields of natural sciences and Engineering. Research institutes all over the world can participate Monthly allowance (depending on target country)

Travel subsidy (depending on target country)

Health, accident and personal liability insurance

Participation in a RISE Worldwide alumni meeting in Germany

6 – 12 weeks Official Announcement
DIES UNILEAD Applicants have been holding a university management position with managerial and personnel responsibilities no longer than 4 years. See call for application See call for application 11th October 2022 Official Announcement [PDF 596.46 KB]


Name of scholarship programme Target group Short description Benefits Duration Application Period Information
Re-invitation Programme for Former Scholarship Holders Former holders of DAAD research grants or study scholarships who were funded for a period of over six months. Research projects at a university or non-university research institute in Germany

Working stays at an institution in business, administration, culture or media for former scholarship holders who work outside the
science sector.

A research or working visit can also take place at several host institutions

  • monthly scholarship rate
  • travel expenses
  • insurance
1–3 months See official announcement Official Announcement
Re-invitation Programme for Former Scholarship Holders of Development
Related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS/
Former DAAD-scholarship holders of the “Development-Related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS / Aufbaustipendiumprogramm)” who successfully finished their studies Research and projects at state or state-recognised institutions of higher education or non-university research institutes in Germany.

Work stay at an institution in business, administration, for former scholarship holders of the “Development-Related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS/Aufbauprogramme)” who work outside of the academic sector.

A research or work stay can also take place at several host institutions. Funding may only be claimed once within three years.

  • monthly scholarship rate
  • travel expenses
  • insurance
1–3 months See official announcement Official Announcement
Specialist Literature Support Programme Former DAAD scholarship holders (min. 10 months) as well as former German studies scholarship holders (min. 5 months) from developing countries The alumni can apply once a year for specialist literature (books, journals, articles) produced by German publishers to help them advance their academic knowledge and qualifications (max. value of 200 euros per year) Scientific books and journals up to a max. value of 200 euros Can be applied for

once a year only

(from 1 January until 31 October)

More Information
Small Equipment Programme One-year scholarship holders from developing countries and from the countries of Southeastern and Eastern Europe who received DAAD support for a period of 10 or more months Applications can be made for the purchase of small equipment and material of direct relevance to projects carried out at the German university. Grants up to a value of 1,500 euros1,500 euros

(inclusive of value added tax)

The application deadline ends 8 weeks before the scholarship period is completed. More Information
Material Resources Programme Former DAAD scholarship holder for at least three months in Germany With the Material Resources Programme, you will have the opportunity to obtain equipment and consumables in your home country. This will in turn allow you to provide important impulses in the collaboration with German institutions of higher education. – small scale

(up to 3,500)

– large scale

(more than 3,500 and up to 20,000 euros)up to 20,000p to € 20,000)

any time More Information
Grants for Alumni Events Former DAAD scholarship holder or events in which former DAAD scholarship holders take part Alumni seminars are always subject-specific; they concern a certain field of study. On such seminars, alumni exchange their knowledge and experience and present their actual work and research. Alumni seminars may comprise alumni from a smaller region, from whole Indonesia or even be internationally organized. – assistance in finding suitable German lectures/speakers

– travel expenses, accommodation, meals for speakers and DAAD Alumni

– costs of the event

3 months before the scheduled start of the events More Information

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  • DAAD Regional Office Jakarta

    JI. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 61-62, Summitmas Building 2, 14th Floor 12190 Jakarta Telephone: +62 (21) 5200 870
Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked